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JAR Rolling Papers with Custom Tips: A Review from Budtender, Evan Thorne

Posted on: August 14th, 2023 by Erika Morotta No Comments

When I first saw the new JAR Rolling Papers I was thrilled. The sleek black top caught my eye immediately and I drifted over to snag a pack from the table. Upon further inspection, this was not only a paper pack, but had customized filter tips as well, each tip having the slogan, ‘Take Adventure Wherever You Go” on one side and a funky van heading to the mountain on the other side.

Excited, I took them away to roll up. At first, I was a little dismayed because the filters were shorter than I was used to, and I couldn’t quite get it folded the way I like. After some contemplation though, I decided to change how I fold the filter and it all started to come together. Pulling out a paper I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect and I was met with a nice clean, 1 ¼” hemp paper. There was a thick gum line at the top and the paper was folded length wise in half in a classic way.

I got my filter to my preferred size, gave the paper an extra fold just below the gum line to create a trough to hold the flower, and began to roll. The paper stuck to my fingers very well and didn’t slip as I rolled up. It allowed me to stuff and cone to my heart’s content and by the end of the roll there was around a gram of flower jammed inside. I had unintentionally placed the filter in the paper, but noticed as I rolled that the slogan written on the filter tip was showing through and it looked awesome. When it was complete, I set out to find a spot to smoke, delighted with my creation and eager to see how it was going to burn.

When some other test subjects were found, I lit it up and the trial was underway. I was instantly hit with how smooth the paper was and how it didn’t muddy up the flavor of the bud. As an avid smoker/roller I always pay attention to how the paper burns and what color ash is being left behind as those can be great indicators for the quality of your flower but also your paper, and I was not disappointed with these. I was provided with a clean, long-lasting burn, with white ash and no runs or re-lighting necessary, an experience that has remained consistent after further testing.

After the smoke had cleared it was apparent, these JAR papers are flipping awesome, and they set a bar for how I roll going forward. With the stone setting in, I ventured forth in search of chicken wings Dustin had just pulled off the grill. Much like myself, the wings were cooked to perfection and with a full stomach, and a hazy head I was feeling pretty good. The only question that remains to be answered now is, when does the King Size come out?

Want to learn how to roll a perfect joint? Follow this 10-Step Guide

Roll a Perfect Joint with this 10-Step Guide

Posted on: August 14th, 2023 by Erika Morotta No Comments

Joint consumer, connoisseur and JAR’s very own budtender, Evan Thorne, breaks down joint-rolling into 10 easy to follow steps (with pictures)!

  1. Grind your material. Rolling works best with quality flower that isn’t too dry, make sure you choose a flower that has a bit of stickiness to it. You can roll with drier flower, but it might be a little more difficult.
  2. Prepare your paper and filter. Fold the filter with the slogan facing you, take the end that has the arrow point and fold it just at the tip of the arrow, folding away from you. Once there is a good crease, continue rolling the filter around the single crease you’ve made. The paper will already have a fold in it, but let’s add one more. Hold the paper like it came from the pack and now pull the front down and expose the gum line entirely. Fold the paper there and you should have a nice trough for your filter and material to sit in. Plop your filter into your paper and you’re ready to start rolling!
  3. Hold the paper and filter together with the gum line facing you and start adding material in beginning on the side with the filter. Spread the flower evenly. You can add more material at the end of the joint if you want to give it more of a cone shape.
  4. Once your material is all in, take your finger and lightly pack down the flower. This will help keep the flower together and will provide you with some stability during the roll.
  5. Next take both sides of the paper and begin rolling. It’s not always intuitive but practice makes perfect, and I believe in you! Once you have a nice core of flower rolled, not too tight, you can begin tucking the paper in.
  6. Start at the end where the filter is and begin the tuck. Once the first part of the tuck is in the rest usually follows along but you may have to work with it a little bit. Hold the joint by the filter where you have already tucked the paper in and begin rolling and shifting the paper as necessary. This is usually where things can go wrong, and you may have to try a few times but as you curl and roll, you’ll see it start to come together.
  7. Now that you have your roll almost done, it’s time to lick it and stick it. As you roll, the gum line will stay exposed and when you’re ready you can wet the gumline and stick it to the paper.
  8. Once your paper is stuck you should have something resembling a joint! Now let’s clean it up. Grab a packing tool like the flat end of a pen and gently push the material down into the joint leaving a small bit of paper empty at the top. You can tap or shake your joint to get a more even pack, but this can also cause clogging if it becomes too compressed. You may also lose material out the back end if it is rolled too loosely.
  9. With the last bit of paper on the end, fold it down with your packing tool so the end is flat and blunt.
  10. Congratulations! You now have an awesome joint that you rolled yourself, good job! Time to spark that thing up and relax, you worked for it!

A Note From Our Talented Hash Maker

Posted on: July 17th, 2023 by Erika Morotta No Comments

I have been searching for the best flavors since day one of working with the cannabis plant. If it weren’t for the complex flavor profiles of cannabis, I don’t think hash would be such a big part of my life. My life has become a journey to find more profound and complex flavors. Searching through endless seed packs with varieties from around the world has helped me understand the qualities of these flavors. When searching for our entry, I was looking for the most complex flavors that not only had great flavor profiles but also flavors that stained the mouth and air for an extended period after the dab. I started isolating terpenes from the cannabis plant in 2016. When I came on board with Jar Co. in 2022, I aimed to bring on what I had learned about terpenes to highlight the quality of Jar Co.’s cannabis products. Jar Co.’s new terpene isolation technology captures 99.9% of the terpenes from the plant without using chemicals, allowing us to build our products from scratch. It was exciting to test my “designed cold cure” concept utilizing this technology to take the rosin game to another level in competition.

With all the years of R&D behind this entry, I’m grateful we took home 2nd place and the Bigid Farm Award. After seeing the final scores, it reflects how innovation and flavor are the name of the game.

– Justin Ordway (JAR Solventless Lab Manager)


The Skinny on Vapes

Posted on: July 13th, 2023 by Adam Platz No Comments

How to use a Vape Pen

There are two main parts to a vape pen. The battery, which powers and controls the cartridge; and the cartridge itself, which contains a tank for the cannabis oil, an atomizer to heat it, and a mouthpiece. In other words, the cartridge is where the magic happens. With the press of a button, the battery sends power to the atomizer, melting the oil and turning it into a fine vapor that’s ready to inhale- no grinders, papers, or lighters required.

Different Types of Cartridges

Cartridges come pre-filled with a variety of different concentrates, or oil that’s been carefully extracted from the cannabis plant. The type of concentrate that’s inside of a cart determines the way it smokes, the flavor, and even the way it feels. At JAR, we produce several different kinds of cartridges that can be categorized as either distillate, cured or live resin, and cured or live rosin. 

  • Distillate is a THC-only oil that’s missing all other active compounds from the flower it’s extracted from. Distillate typically has a potent, spaced-out high similar to most edibles and strong flavors from the terpenes that are added back in during production. Because it’s THC only, distillate can not have sativa or indica dominant effects.
  • Resin is a full spectrum oil, meaning that it contains all of the active compounds and terpenes from the original flower it was extracted from. Resin is made using chemical solvents like butane or propane, and has very potent effects that are short-lived in comparison to rosin or flower.\
  • Rosin is a premium full spectrum oil that’s similar to resin, but is made only using ice water, heat, and pressure rather than chemical solvents. This process leads to a concentrate with superior flavor and long lasting effects that are nearly identical to the flower it was extracted from.
  • Cured/Live: Cured and live refer to the type of flower that the concentrate was made from. For example, cured rosin is made from flower that’s been hung, dried, and cured, leading to a lighter and more traditional taste; whereas live rosin only uses flower that’s either fresh from harvest or frozen directly afterwards, locking in more of that strain’s unique flavor and effects. 

Now that we’ve learned about several different kinds of cartridges and the way they work, all that’s left to do is experiment! Ask your budtender for their advice the next time you visit your local dispensary; they’ll be happy to help find a cart that’s right for you. And if you haven’t already, sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with content like this and other happenings at JAR!

JAR Concentrates

Posted on: May 26th, 2023 by jar No Comments

Lab Manager, Mike Trimm (right) is one of the organization’s most tenured employees with over 9 years of service. He stays up to date with the current trends in cannabis extraction processes while analyzing how it can benefit the company moving forward. He is an expert at understanding and executing the process of extraction from beginning to end to provide the consumer with the best concentrate experience.

Lab Technician, Danny Jewett (middle) has been with the company for 3 years. His day to day focus is butane extraction and post processing for sugar, shatter, and batter. Most recently, he started doing terpene extraction for our newly produced Cannabis Derived Terpene cartridges or CDT. Assisting in producing some of the best extracts in all of Maine, Danny uses his down time to further his education in different aspects of the cannabis world. Operations Manager, Jeff Jewett (left), has been with us for 8 years and is a huge asset to the day to day operations. He ensures deadlines are met and dispensaries in Maine are receiving the highest quality extracts from JAR’s plant material. He is responsible for developing and implementing our BHO process, which has come by leaps and bounds in the five years. Thank you, guys, for all of your hard work, grit and innovation. Interested in our concentrate selection?

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